Off-Camera Flash // Tutorial
Create a Dynamic Silhouette with MagMod
I like to help other photographers succeed in their Business, Off-Camera Light Skills, and Creativity. In this video tutorial, I'll teach you how simple it is to create a dynamic silhouette. Using the step-by-step method, we'll transform a boring location into a creative photo, including all Off-Camera Flash and camera settings + light recipe. Tired of failing to #BeCreative under pressure? Step out of your comfort zone and learn to create awesome images that have a “WOW” factor.
E-Books // Tutorials // Light Recipes
With these Off-Camera Flash + MagMod E-Books you can learn how to successfully and effectively use speedlites and all the MagMod modifiers. Learn how to use creative light and combine it with your creativity in every location and environment!
Meet Your Instructor
Photographer // Creator // Wizard of Light
Hi, I'm Arno a master in creative Off-Camera Flash photography, MagMod, and other light modifiers. I also enjoy creatively using any light source and turning boring locations into creative artwork for my clients.
My goals for you:
I've always been dedicated to the process of learning and practicing a lot and my goal is to help other photographers succeed in their Business, Off-Camera Light Skills, and Creativity. Never give up and by sharing our passion and knowledge, we make the creative world and ourselves better.
☑️ Step-by-step training video tutorials
☑️ On-location Creative Live Shoot lessons
☑️ Shaping creative light with Off-Camera Flash
☑️ Learn to use MagMod like a Boss!
☑️ Ambassador for MagMod, Profoto, Dedolight, and other brands.
Online Workshops
Creative Off-Camera Flash + MagMod + Lightroom // Workshops
Lift up your Photography & Off-Camera Flash skills to the next level! Create awesome creative images that have a “WOW” factor. Empower your photography, and creativity skills, and let's grow your photography business!
Online Course + Book
Off-Camera Flash + MagMod + LR
Advanced Next-Level Lessons
I'll teach you step-by-step how to work creatively with creative techniques and learn to rock your Off-Camera Flashes, Creative Techniques, and Lightroom.
✅ 100+ Video Lessons (Next-Level)
✅ Book (244 pages) + Cheat-Cards Off-Camera Flash Recipes
✅ Creative Tutorials + Light Recipes
✅ Liveshoots & Lightroom Edit Lessons
✅ Lifetime access
✅ Private E-learning environment
✅ BTS + Settings + Light recipes + Bonus
⚡️ ->> $ 175,-
Online Course - Basics
Off-Camera Flash & Creative Basics
Starter & Basic Lessons
I'll explain step by step how to work with a speedlite, explain all the basic creative techniques, and learn to control Off-Camera Flash like a boss!
✅ 25+ Video Lessons
✅ Book (54 pages)
✅ Lifetime access
✅ Creative course for beginners
✅ Settings + Light recipes
✅ Private E-learning environment
✅ Tutorials
⚡️ ->> $ 75,-
Learn & Create Awesome images!
I will teach you the Creative & Fundamental Skills of how to use Off-Camera Flash and creative techniques. Empower your creative skills, and let's grow your photography business! Never Give Up and learn to control Off-Camera Flash like a boss!