(Free) E-Book
Off-Camera Flash & MagMod + Creative Light
Learn, Inspire, and create awesome images!
Lots of photographers find it hard to use a speedlight and therefore rather leave the speedlight in their bags. Did you know that there are endless possibilities and that there is a lot of creativity out there if you start using your speedlight?
The Free Off-Camera Flash E-Book is a downloadable PDF file, which can be viewed on a number of devices, laptop
and desktop computers, iPhone or Android devices, iPads, and other tablets. 54 Pages of hands-on instruction with creative light recipes and inspiration for wedding and portrait photographers.
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Free PDF book for beginning and experienced flash photographers
This book will teach you the fundamental skills of how to use Off-Camera Flash and creative techniques. Learn to turn boring environments into great and creative images. Lift up your Off-Camera Flash skills to the next level! Empower your photography, and creativity skills, and let's grow your photography business!